It wasn't my intention to stop traffic with my fort, but it's taken on a life of it's own. I've received such awesome words of encouragement and also MANY questions about how I've built it. So the following posts will be a look into my journey while building .....the Ultimate Pirate Ship Fort!
I feel a huge disclaimer is necessary. I am neither an architect nor a carpenter by any means. I am just the mother of three young scallywags and desperately needed them to have a fort. I wanted to get them away from the TV and computer...and DSi...and iPod... and Wii......ug. I am qualified only with my sheer determination & imagination (and an uncanny knack for finding exactly what I need at secondhand stores!)
To answer the most asked question: No, this fort is NOT a kit. The do-it-yourself kits were uninventive and extremely expensive. You can build your own fort (treehouse/playhouse) for a fraction of the cost. It would be very hard to duplicate my Pirate Ship Fort, but hopefully I can give you some ideas to spark your own imagination. I can't give you step by step instructions, but I'll explain what items I "repurposed", and show you how I used them - and I'll tell you where to find cool supplies!
I guess it all started with......